Pharmacists as a duty manager at the Hospital Pharmaceutical Procurement

Pharmaceuticals are planning a function that determines the process of procurement of pharmaceuticals in the hospital.

The scope of the management of pharmaceuticals in hospitals include: planning, procurement, receipt, storage, distribution, administration, control, removal, reporting and evaluation

The purpose of pharmaceuticals to determine types and amounts of pharmaceuticals in accordance with the pattern of disease and the need for health services in hospitals.

Pharmaceutical supplies, demand planning stages include:


Selection function is to determine whether pharmaceuticals really in need in accordance with the number of patients / visits and patterns of disease in the hospital.

Criteria pemillihan needs good medications include:

a. Selected types of drugs to a minimum by avoiding the common Janis
b. Avoid using a combination of drugs, unless the drug combination has a better effect on the appeal of single drug
c. When many types of drugs, then we choose based on the preferred drug (drug of choice) from a high prevalence of disease

Hospital drug selection in the National Stroke refers to the National Essential Drugs List (DOEN) according to the class B type in the can by this hospital, hospital formulary, formulary health insurance for the poor, Ceiling Price List Drugs (DPHO) Askes and social security Employment (Social Security). While the selection of medical equipment in hospitals is based on the data usage by user, ISO standards, a list of prices for equipment, medical equipment list issued by the Director General and Alkes Binfar, and specifications set by the hospital.


Compilation of use

Compiling the use of pharmaceuticals serves to determine the monthly usage of each type of pharmaceutical supplies in service units during the year and the comparable data for optimum stock. And stroke hospitals nationwide to determine the monthly usage based on monthly reports are made each warehouse space, production space and sterile.

Compilation of information obtained from the use of pharmaceuticals are:

    The amount of use of each type of pharmaceutical supplies to each unit of service
    Percentage use of each type of pharmaceutical supplies to the total use of the whole unit a year of service
    Average usage for each type of pharmaceuticals
    Calculation of

Planning approach needs to be done through several methods:

    Consumption method

Calculation of the consumption method is based on the consumption of pharmaceuticals riel ago period, with various adjustments and corrections. Hospitals nationwide for stroke using the consumption method.

Some things to consider in order to calculate the amount of pharmaceutical supplies needed:

    Data collection and processing
    Analysis and evaluation of data and information
    Calculation and estimation of pharmaceuticals
    Adjusting the amount of the needs of pharmaceutical supplies to the allocation of funds

There are 9 steps to determine the method of consumption:

    Determine the actual usage in a year
    Calculating drug shortage
    Determine the average usage
    Determine the need for drug
    Calculate the drug needs for years to come
    Calculate the waiting time requirements
    Determine the buffer stock
    Determine the amount of drug
    Determine the amount of drug which is served

2. Method of morbidity / epidemiology

Epidemiological method is one method of planning based on traffic patterns of disease cases.

The steps are:

    Calculate the amount of each drug for any one disease
    Calculate the drug needs of each disease for one year. For one type of drug used for various diseases then calculated the need for each illness. If there is one disease that uses two or more types of drugs, then determined the percentage of each use.
    Calculate the drug needs for years to come
    Calculate the waiting time requirements
    Determine the buffer stock
    Determine the amount of drug
    Determine the amount of drug which is served

Procurement is an activity to realize the need for medication in the hospital that has been planned and approved.

The purpose of procurement is: getting pharmaceutical supplies at reasonable prices, good quality, timely delivery, the process goes lanca and does not need too much energy and time.

Procurement is the responsibility of pharmaceutical installations are:

    Pack medicines Hospitals (eg: anesthesia for surgery)
    Fluids (eg: nissol)
    ASKES drugs
    Regular medicines
    Medical devices
    The tools of radiology / X-ray films
    Medical devices
    Spare parts

Receipt of goods:

    Recipient of the goods received by the committee and the committee checks whether the recipient in accordance with the booking, check the date of expire date, number, is there any damage or not.
    If the goods have been declared fit then the goods will go with the inclusion of warehouse receipts.
    For ASKES drugs, items brought directly to the barn with accompanying invoice.
    If the item does not fit or is damaged or the date of expire date is too close to the returns made


    Recording made in the book of Goods Loading and recorded stock-carded. The recording is also performed using the computerized system.


    Performed at the storage warehouse with classifying drugs based on its type. Drug tablet is placed in conjunction with drugs tablet. It's the same drug in solution and injection as well as medical equipment. Let the preparation of medicines based on the alphabet. And storage of medicines should refer to the pharmacopoeia.


System drug expenditure is based on FIFO (first in first out).

Expenditure is written in the list of goods and mutations were recorded in the card stock and computerized.


    Reporting is done every month created by the head of the warehouse and approved by the pharmacist.


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