Herbs and Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Guide 2nd edition presents evidence-based information on the 120 most popular herbs, nutrients and food supplements used across Australia and New Zealand. Organised alphabetically by common name, each herb or nutrient listed includes information such as daily intake, main actions/indications, adverse reactions, contraindications and precautions, safety in pregnancy, and more.Features Provides current, evidence-based information on herbal, nutritional and food supplements used in Australia and New ZealandUser-friendly, well indexed, and organised by A-Z herbal monographs, making information easy to findAppendices offer important additional information for the safe use of herbal and nutritional supplements, including a list of poison centres, associations, manufacturers plus much more.Clear and comprehensive tables including Herb/Natural Supplement – Drug Interactions and Pharmacological Actions of all Herbs and Natural Supplements listedA glossary of termsWhat's New NEW chapters – Introduction to Food as Medicine; Introduction to Aromatherapy; Safety and Complementary Medicine; Preoperative Care to include new information on Anaesthesia implications.20 NEW monographs to be added to the existing 100. arginine; citrus aurantium; colostrum; globe artichoke; olive leaf; psyllium; pygeum; beta carotene; cocoa; soy; bitter melon; Aesculus; glutamine; quercetin; iodine; noni; cinnamon; goldenseal; eucalyptus oil; flaxseed; zeaxanthin will also be added and incorporated into the lutein monograph.Chapter 8, Interactions.., will contain NEW material on oncology drugsA CD will be included with the new edition. This will include the monographs as well as some of the appendices. Much of the information in the appendices will link to the monographs and vice versa. For example, cross referencing the herb/nutrient – drug interactions will give more detailed information when required.*******sSECTION 1: HERBAL & NATURAL SUPPLEMENTSChapter 1: Introduction to Complementary MedicineChapter 2: Introduction to Herbal MedicineChapter 3: Introduction to Clinical NutritionChapter 4: Introduction to Aromatherapy NEWChapter 5: Introduction to Food as Medicine NEWSECTION 2: CLINICAL PRACTICEChapter 6: Introduction to Clinical Practice NEW Chapter 7: Safety and complementary medicine NEWChapter 8: Interactions with herbal and natural medicinesChapter 9: Preoperative Care: Considerations (includes NEW information on anaesthesia implications)Chapter 10: Cancer and Complementary Medicines SafetySECTION 3: MONOGRAPHS (A-Z)(Herbal monographs will be structured as follows)Herb Name• Common Name• Latin binomial/class• Other names• Plant part used• Key chemical components• Main actions• Other actions• Main indications and evidence• Other uses• Dosage range• Adverse reactions• Significant interactions• Contraindications and precautions• Pregnancy use• Practice points• Common questions• References(Nutrient monographs will be structured as follows)Nutrient Name• Background and relevant pharmacokinetics• Key chemical compounds (where applicable)• Food sources (where applicable)• Deficiency signs and symptoms (where applicable)• Main actions• Other actions• Main indications and evidence• Other indications• Dosage range• Toxicity (if known)• Adverse reactions• Significant interactions• Contraindications and precautions• Pregnancy use• Practice points• Common questions• ReferencesSECTION 4: APPENDICESBook onlyAppendix 1 – Glossary Appendix 2 – Herb/nutrient – drug interactionsAppendix 3 – Poisons information centresAppendix 4 – Teaching institutes, manufacturers and on-line resources Appendix 5 – Guide to safe use of complementary medicine during preoperative period (table 1 from chapter 9).
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