C L I N I C A L P H A R M A C Y has been defined in many different ways, according to the interests and outlook of the practitioner. We take a very broad definition, encompassing all aspects of the use of medicines in patients and of responding patients’ concerns about their health. It is thus an essential component of the practice of virtually all pharmacists, whether working in the comunnity, in hospital or in industry, and must be based on a sound knowledge of the mechanisms of disease and the principles of drug selection. It has been a principle of our teaching that clinical pharmacy practice requires an understanding of the medical process and of the nature of serious diseases and their treatment. This must underlieany involvement of pharmacists in contributing to the management of patients, or in the diagnosis and management of minor illness. Since pharmacists have to work with clinicians, and there are well established intellectual disciplines in medicine for diagnosis and management, aspiring clinical pharmacists need to understand the way in which doctors approach the diagnosis of disease and the treatment of patients
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