Glucobay, Eclid, Precose
These drugs are generally administered with a starting dose of 50 mg and increased gradually to 150-600 mg / day. It is advisable to consume it with a full glass of water on the first bribes breakfast / dining
In addition to sulfonylurea or biguanida Oho therapy in diabetes mellitus which can not be controlled with diet and drug-drug. Acarbose is particularly beneficial for patients with DM tended to increase blood sugar immediately after eating (postprandial hyperglycemia), diabetic patients treated with insulin, will generally decrease the use of insulin if it is combined with acarbose.Obat-alpha-glucosidase inhibitor drugs can be administered as a drug alone or in combination with other diabetes drugs, such as class Oho sulfonylurea, metformin, or insulin .-
Hypersensitivity to acarbose
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Bowel obstruction, partial or whole
Inflammation or sores / ulcers of the colon
Other chronic bowel disease or other diseases that will worsen in the event of excessive gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract.
Acarbose is not absorbed into the blood, therefore adverse systemic side minimal.Efek oft happens, especially with stomach disorders, more gas, more frequent flatulence and sometimes diarrhea, which will be reduced after the treatment lasts longer. Side effects can be reduced with reducing consumption karbohidrat.Kadang times can occur itching and red spots on the skin, shortness of breath, throat felt clogged, swelling of the lips, tongue or wajah.Bila taken together drugs known as sulfonylureas or with insulin, hypoglycemia can occur which can only be solved with pure glucose, so it can not be overcome by giving sucrose (sugar).
With Other Drugs:
Alcohol: may increase hypoglycemic effects. Digestive enzyme supplements such as pancreatin (amylase, protease, lipase) can reduce the effects of acarbose when consumed simultaneously. Calcium antagonists: eg nifedipine sometimes interfere with glucose tolerance. Hormone antagonists: aminoglutetimid can speed up metabolism Oho; oktreotid can lower insulin requirements and Oho.Antihypertensive diazoksid: against hypoglycemic effect. Antidepressants (MAO inhibitors) improve the hypoglycemic effect. Steroid hormones: estrogen and progesterone (oral contraceptives) antagonist effects of hypoglycemia. Klofibrat: may improve glucose tolerance and has an additive effect on Oho. Beta adrenoreceptor blockers: increased hypoglycemic effects and cover the warning symptoms such as tremors. ACE inhibitors: may increase hypoglycemic effects.Ion exchange resins: cholestyramine enhance hypoglycemic effects of acarbose.Drugs that can affect blood glucose levels, such as diuretic drugs (eg hidroklortiazida, klorotiazida, klortalidon, indapamid, etc.), steroidal compounds (eg, prednisone, methylprednisolone, estrogen), compounds phenothiazines (eg chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine, promethazine), hormone-thyroid hormone, phenytoin, calcium channel blockers (eg verapamil, diltiazem, nifedipine).
Foods: none
Inhibit the enzyme alpha-glucosidase is located on the wall of the small intestine and inhibits the enzyme alpha-amylase of the pancreas, so the overall inhibiting digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. Acarbose does not stimulate insulin secretion by ß-cells of Langerhans pancreas gland.
The compounds alpha-glucosidase inhibitors inhibit the enzyme alpha-glucosidase located in the intestinal wall. The enzymes alpha glucosidase (maltase, isomaltase, glukomaltase and sukrase) serves to hydrolyze oligosaccharides, on the intestinal wall work halus.Inhibisi this enzyme can effectively reduce the digestion of complex carbohydrates and absorbsinya, so it can reduce post-prandial increase in glucose levels in diabetic patients. The compound alpha-glucosidase inhibitors also inhibit pancreatic enzyme a-amylase which hydrolyzes polysaccharides work in the small intestine lumen. Acarbose does not stimulate insulin secretion by ß-cells of Langerhans pankreas.Oleh gland because it does not cause hypoglycemia, unless administered together with another or with Oho insulin.Obat is effective for patients with high-carbohydrate diet and fasting plasma glucose levels less of 180 mg / dl.Pasien who received acarbose therapy alone generally will not increase weight, even slightly menurun.Acarbose will be administered in combination therapy with sulfonylurea, metformin, or insulin.
Tablets 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg
Storage Stability
Do not store above 25 ° C. Keep away from moisture, should always be tightly closed container.
Fasting blood glucose levels: 80-120mg/dl
Hemoglobin A1c: <100mg/dl
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
Do not consume other drugs without a doctor's permission.
This drug is only acting as the controlling diabetes, not a healer.
These drugs are only contributing factor in the management of diabetes, the main factor is the control diet (diet) and exercise.
Consumption of drugs according to dose and use the rules of the doctor
Monitor blood glucose levels as recommended by the doctor
If you experience symptoms of hypoglycemia (dizziness, weakness, trembling, dazed look), apoplexy (view becomes dark), cold sweat, heart rate increases, immediately call your doctor.
If you've ever experienced hypoglycemia, always carry a small bag of sugar if you are traveling. Immediately eating sugar so you get an attack of hypoglycemia.
Report to your doctor if you are planning to become pregnant
This drug should not be consumed during pregnancy or breastfeeding, unless permitted by the physician.

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