Warm greetings to the authors say the loyal visitors of this blog. After weighing, observing and mecermati. this time the author will make the new categori based on a study being carried out by the author at one private university located in the city join the categori yogyakarta pharmaceutical libraries. Well, as stated on the title above pharmaceutical birth "birth pharmaceutical"
PHARMACEUTICAL this is a word that is very attached to me for at least bebearapa years. Observing the pharmacy education, especially in Indonesia, made a lot of looking at things differently at each institution organizers. Yeah, hopefully with my writing this could be one discourse to choose which one is appropriate college education after high school. Because it is, first, I felt less get an overview of the pharmaceutical majors in each college.
Once, while he was in high school, which I understand is, it's learning about drugs pharmacy. Point. Dont know what's in it and no desire tuh heroics want to be ... In fact, if you know, I went to college here for reasons that really are not rational at the time. I chose studying for a foundation: "jogja city-based student culture that slogan Jogja Be Comfortable" well it makes the city seem very at home as long as the author of the founding fathers lived in the city of Sultan Hamengkubuwono.
My friends often ask if there is majoring in pharmacy at the campus this? then with his confident I could answer, there are dong ...! Yeah, one more affirmation: ADA PHARMACY UAD loh ... who the hell knows UAD in jogja.,? UAD now I will introduce to the visitors. UAD is an abbreviation of Ahmad Dahlan University located in jogja. Many of orng opinion that it is very typical of my campus once with kemuhammadiyahan. which consists of a dozen faculty in the faculty, faculty of pharmacy salahsatunya which incidentally is his akrediasi A of the Director General of Higher Education. This faculty has been established since 2000. and the short story has now reached accreditation A favorite at some pharmacy faculty at other campuses. Okey, this is a little guide for kamoe-kamoe interested in the pharmacy world ... Who want to know, actually in the pharmaceutical world what the hell ...
I will explain again to the language is quite simple.
1 / Farmakokimia: his world of analysis, synthesis. Example of a trivial example, the analysis of borax in the meatballs, or the synthesis of vitamin C.
2 / Pharmaceutical Biology: take from the natural compound to be used as medicine. For instance ya, you find that tree on the roadside, then think, roughly from this tree there ya active compounds that can be used? Begin studied, characterized, until I took the last active compound or just the extract.
3 / Farmaseutik: the world of pharmaceutical manufacturing and technology. This may be a pharmaceutical commonly known by the layman. Creating various kinds of pharmaceutical preparations such as those friends knew. What? Yes, for example tablets, creams, sirp, and so on.
4 / Pharmacology: effects of test world of an active compound or pharmaceutical preparation. For example, if you look at the drug or active compound that, about what effect it can have.
Yes it is about simple example. In fact it's not that simple. Each skill group will be supported by a particular sciences again. Research directions in the ITB itself if I observe is toward the discovery of active compounds or new pharmaceutical preparations. New here could be a really new or modifications of existing or development.
Well, I understand if you want a finished herbalist, now can you find that choosing GMU, where research into traditional medicine is very good direction I think, until there Prodi himself if not wrong. Please see it for more details.
If for Unair own, I observe the pharmaceutical very good about the Clinic and Community. At least as it was already berthaun years there, so quite Establish.
Well, the picture above to memlilih little guidance about where you want the world pharmaceutical industry ... Want oriented or patient oriented? Yes it's up to friends - friends wrote ... please visit this site for the curious want to know www.uad.ac.id
We return to the original topic, about the history of pharmacy in Indonesia especially
Pharmacy as a profession in Indonesia is relatively young and new could grow significantly after independence. In colonial times, both during the reign of the Dutch East Indies and the Japanese occupation in Indonesia pharmacy is very slow growth, and the profession is not yet widely known by the public. Until the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia pharmacy workers in general are still composed of the assistant pharmacist in very small quantities.
Pharmacist during the colonial power generally comes from Denmark, Austria, Germany and the Netherlands. However, during the war of independence, Indonesia recorded the history of pharmacy in a very meaningful, namely the establishment of the College of Pharmacy in Klaten in 1946 and in Bandung in 1947. Pharmaceutical Institutions of Higher Education which was established during the independence war has contributed to the historical development of pharmacy at times this selanjutnya.Dewasa kefamasian in Indonesia has grown and developed in a fairly large dimensions and steady. Pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia with a fairly broad technology support and steady. Pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia with the support of a fairly modern technology has been able to produce large quantities of drugs with a wide distribution network. Most, about 90% of national drug needs have been met by the domestic pharmaceutical industry
Similarly, the role of pharmacy health care professionals is also growing and in parallel with other health professions Glance History of Pharmacy Indonesia
1. War Period Colonial period until independence
Milestone in the history of pharmacy in Indonesia are generally preceded by a pharmacist assistant education
during the reigns of the Dutch East Indies.
2. Period After the War of Independence By Year 1958
In this period the number of pharmacy personnel, particularly personnel assistant pharmacist began to grow relatively larger amounts. In 1950 the school opened in Jakarta assistant pharmacist Affairs (Republic of) first, with a period of education for two years. Graduates of the school's assistant pharmacist first batch was recorded about 30 people, while also increasing the number of pharmacists, both derived from education abroad and graduates of the country.
3. Period of 1958 to 1967
In this period, although to produce a drug has pioneered many, in fact, the pharmaceutical industries to face obstacles and difficulties are severe enough, such as foreign exchange shortages and the rationing system of drug raw materials so that the industry can survive only industries that obtain part of their rations or have relations with foreign countries. In this period, especially between the years 1960 - 1965, due to foreign exchange difficulties and the gloomy economic situation, the domestic pharmaceutical industry can only produce about 30% of its production capacity. Therefore, the provision of drugs to be very limited and comes mostly from imports. Meanwhile, because supervision can not be done with a good many cases the raw materials and finished drug that does not meet the requirements standar.Sekitar years 1960-1965, some legislation is important and related to the pharmacy issued by the government include:
(1) Law No. 9 of 1960 on the Principles of Health
(2) of Act No. 10 of 1961 concerning the goods
(3) Act No. 7 of 1963 on Health Workforce, and
(4) Government Regulation Number 26 of 1965 on Pharmacies. In this period also there are important things worth noting in the history of pharmacy in Indonesia, namely the end of a pharmacy emergency physicians and pharmacies.
By Decree of the Minister of Health No. 33148/Kab/176 dated June 8, 1962, among others, set:
(1) no longer issued new licenses for the opening of pharmacies, physicians, and
(2) All pharmacy-physician consent is no longer valid since January 1, 1963.
While the expiration of the emergency pharmacy established by the Decree of the Minister of Health No. 770/Ph/63/b dated October 29, 1963 whose contents include:
(1) no longer issued new licenses for the opening of an emergency pharmacy,
(2) All pharmacy permits emergency First Level Capital Region is no longer valid since 1
February 1964, and
(3) All licenses pharmacies in the capital darirat Regional Level II and other cities
is no longer valid since May 1, 1964.Pada 1963, as
realization of the Basic Law of Health has established the National Pharmaceutical Institute
(Decree of the Minister of Health No. 39521/Kab/199 dated July 11, 1963).
Limits pharmaceutical according to the dictionary is the art and science mix and deliver / distribute the drug, while the pharmacist is someone who is dispensing and deliver / distribute drugs. Thus, it means that both the concept of pharmacy and pharmacists are congruent, ie that one can be derived from the other. According to dictionaries, such as Webster, pharmacy is the art or practice of preparing, preserving, compounding and delivery of drugs (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield, MA, G. & C. Merriam Co., 1987).
According to Smith and Knapp, a pharmacist is seseoarang who have graduated from college pharmacy. To practice pharmacy, a graduate must obtain permission / license from a state board or agency. In order to get permission / license, a graduate of a high pergurun pharmacies across the state or county is required to complete the practical experience requirements and to complete the experience requirement praktekdan to pass the exams organized by the state pharmacy.
That's some story about pharmaceuticals. maybe this will make friends - especially friends who wanted to continue his study to the pharmacy. Finally, the authors say:
PHARMACEUTICAL this is a word that is very attached to me for at least bebearapa years. Observing the pharmacy education, especially in Indonesia, made a lot of looking at things differently at each institution organizers. Yeah, hopefully with my writing this could be one discourse to choose which one is appropriate college education after high school. Because it is, first, I felt less get an overview of the pharmaceutical majors in each college.
Once, while he was in high school, which I understand is, it's learning about drugs pharmacy. Point. Dont know what's in it and no desire tuh heroics want to be ... In fact, if you know, I went to college here for reasons that really are not rational at the time. I chose studying for a foundation: "jogja city-based student culture that slogan Jogja Be Comfortable" well it makes the city seem very at home as long as the author of the founding fathers lived in the city of Sultan Hamengkubuwono.
My friends often ask if there is majoring in pharmacy at the campus this? then with his confident I could answer, there are dong ...! Yeah, one more affirmation: ADA PHARMACY UAD loh ... who the hell knows UAD in jogja.,? UAD now I will introduce to the visitors. UAD is an abbreviation of Ahmad Dahlan University located in jogja. Many of orng opinion that it is very typical of my campus once with kemuhammadiyahan. which consists of a dozen faculty in the faculty, faculty of pharmacy salahsatunya which incidentally is his akrediasi A of the Director General of Higher Education. This faculty has been established since 2000. and the short story has now reached accreditation A favorite at some pharmacy faculty at other campuses. Okey, this is a little guide for kamoe-kamoe interested in the pharmacy world ... Who want to know, actually in the pharmaceutical world what the hell ...
I will explain again to the language is quite simple.
1 / Farmakokimia: his world of analysis, synthesis. Example of a trivial example, the analysis of borax in the meatballs, or the synthesis of vitamin C.
2 / Pharmaceutical Biology: take from the natural compound to be used as medicine. For instance ya, you find that tree on the roadside, then think, roughly from this tree there ya active compounds that can be used? Begin studied, characterized, until I took the last active compound or just the extract.
3 / Farmaseutik: the world of pharmaceutical manufacturing and technology. This may be a pharmaceutical commonly known by the layman. Creating various kinds of pharmaceutical preparations such as those friends knew. What? Yes, for example tablets, creams, sirp, and so on.
4 / Pharmacology: effects of test world of an active compound or pharmaceutical preparation. For example, if you look at the drug or active compound that, about what effect it can have.
Yes it is about simple example. In fact it's not that simple. Each skill group will be supported by a particular sciences again. Research directions in the ITB itself if I observe is toward the discovery of active compounds or new pharmaceutical preparations. New here could be a really new or modifications of existing or development.
Well, I understand if you want a finished herbalist, now can you find that choosing GMU, where research into traditional medicine is very good direction I think, until there Prodi himself if not wrong. Please see it for more details.
If for Unair own, I observe the pharmaceutical very good about the Clinic and Community. At least as it was already berthaun years there, so quite Establish.
Well, the picture above to memlilih little guidance about where you want the world pharmaceutical industry ... Want oriented or patient oriented? Yes it's up to friends - friends wrote ... please visit this site for the curious want to know www.uad.ac.id
We return to the original topic, about the history of pharmacy in Indonesia especially
Pharmacy as a profession in Indonesia is relatively young and new could grow significantly after independence. In colonial times, both during the reign of the Dutch East Indies and the Japanese occupation in Indonesia pharmacy is very slow growth, and the profession is not yet widely known by the public. Until the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia pharmacy workers in general are still composed of the assistant pharmacist in very small quantities.
Pharmacist during the colonial power generally comes from Denmark, Austria, Germany and the Netherlands. However, during the war of independence, Indonesia recorded the history of pharmacy in a very meaningful, namely the establishment of the College of Pharmacy in Klaten in 1946 and in Bandung in 1947. Pharmaceutical Institutions of Higher Education which was established during the independence war has contributed to the historical development of pharmacy at times this selanjutnya.Dewasa kefamasian in Indonesia has grown and developed in a fairly large dimensions and steady. Pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia with a fairly broad technology support and steady. Pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia with the support of a fairly modern technology has been able to produce large quantities of drugs with a wide distribution network. Most, about 90% of national drug needs have been met by the domestic pharmaceutical industry
Similarly, the role of pharmacy health care professionals is also growing and in parallel with other health professions Glance History of Pharmacy Indonesia
1. War Period Colonial period until independence
Milestone in the history of pharmacy in Indonesia are generally preceded by a pharmacist assistant education
during the reigns of the Dutch East Indies.
2. Period After the War of Independence By Year 1958
In this period the number of pharmacy personnel, particularly personnel assistant pharmacist began to grow relatively larger amounts. In 1950 the school opened in Jakarta assistant pharmacist Affairs (Republic of) first, with a period of education for two years. Graduates of the school's assistant pharmacist first batch was recorded about 30 people, while also increasing the number of pharmacists, both derived from education abroad and graduates of the country.
3. Period of 1958 to 1967
In this period, although to produce a drug has pioneered many, in fact, the pharmaceutical industries to face obstacles and difficulties are severe enough, such as foreign exchange shortages and the rationing system of drug raw materials so that the industry can survive only industries that obtain part of their rations or have relations with foreign countries. In this period, especially between the years 1960 - 1965, due to foreign exchange difficulties and the gloomy economic situation, the domestic pharmaceutical industry can only produce about 30% of its production capacity. Therefore, the provision of drugs to be very limited and comes mostly from imports. Meanwhile, because supervision can not be done with a good many cases the raw materials and finished drug that does not meet the requirements standar.Sekitar years 1960-1965, some legislation is important and related to the pharmacy issued by the government include:
(1) Law No. 9 of 1960 on the Principles of Health
(2) of Act No. 10 of 1961 concerning the goods
(3) Act No. 7 of 1963 on Health Workforce, and
(4) Government Regulation Number 26 of 1965 on Pharmacies. In this period also there are important things worth noting in the history of pharmacy in Indonesia, namely the end of a pharmacy emergency physicians and pharmacies.
By Decree of the Minister of Health No. 33148/Kab/176 dated June 8, 1962, among others, set:
(1) no longer issued new licenses for the opening of pharmacies, physicians, and
(2) All pharmacy-physician consent is no longer valid since January 1, 1963.
While the expiration of the emergency pharmacy established by the Decree of the Minister of Health No. 770/Ph/63/b dated October 29, 1963 whose contents include:
(1) no longer issued new licenses for the opening of an emergency pharmacy,
(2) All pharmacy permits emergency First Level Capital Region is no longer valid since 1
February 1964, and
(3) All licenses pharmacies in the capital darirat Regional Level II and other cities
is no longer valid since May 1, 1964.Pada 1963, as
realization of the Basic Law of Health has established the National Pharmaceutical Institute
(Decree of the Minister of Health No. 39521/Kab/199 dated July 11, 1963).
Limits pharmaceutical according to the dictionary is the art and science mix and deliver / distribute the drug, while the pharmacist is someone who is dispensing and deliver / distribute drugs. Thus, it means that both the concept of pharmacy and pharmacists are congruent, ie that one can be derived from the other. According to dictionaries, such as Webster, pharmacy is the art or practice of preparing, preserving, compounding and delivery of drugs (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield, MA, G. & C. Merriam Co., 1987).
According to Smith and Knapp, a pharmacist is seseoarang who have graduated from college pharmacy. To practice pharmacy, a graduate must obtain permission / license from a state board or agency. In order to get permission / license, a graduate of a high pergurun pharmacies across the state or county is required to complete the practical experience requirements and to complete the experience requirement praktekdan to pass the exams organized by the state pharmacy.
That's some story about pharmaceuticals. maybe this will make friends - especially friends who wanted to continue his study to the pharmacy. Finally, the authors say:
Welcome to Pharmacy Pharmacist
farmasi ugm m uad bagusan mana? katanya bagusan uad, iyakah? terus katanya kalo mahasiswa ugm dalam dunia kerja diprioritaskan? bener nggak sih..
mahasiswa farmasi uad juga di 'kenal' nggak? hehe
kalo menurut ane sih bagusan UAD gan...
sebab disamping akreditasnya yg A kemudian dalam bidang fasilitas juga sdh mumpuni...
selain itu UAD mempunyai visi dan misi yang menjalankan kepribadian yang muslimah...
klo UGM....mungkin kali yah...
sekarang yang dibutuhkan kemampuan dalam bidang ilmu dan skill...
klo ternyata di ugm agan tidak bisa mempunyai keinginan yang tinggi kira2 gimna.,???
oia klo tujuan kuliah cuma buat kerja tanpa pengaplikasian dalam bidang ibadah percuma kek nya gan....piiisss........
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